
Bedarra is ideal for nature watching as the diversity in the wet tropical rainforest is great.
Ulysses butterfly, Giant Birdwing butterfly, northern rainforest skink (On Hudson Island), Bush Turkey, Wompoo Fruit Dove, Sun bird, tree frogs, Geckos, forest dragons, tree monitors, pythons and Echidna are just some of the animals that may be encountered.

Sea turtles and dugongs can be observed around our islands and just recently, Migaloo the white humped back whale was spotted on his annual migration north (late June) from the lookout on Bedarra.

The island has few mammals - The largest is the echidna and there is the fawn footed melomys a small native rodent, named after EJ Banfield who first described it. This native, fruit eating marsupial rat is called "Uromys banfieldi". 

Several species of bats and flying foxes are seen and heard at night.Unique to our area is the Little Bent Wing Bat "Miniopterus Australis". The tiny bat gets its name from its elongated finger bone that makes up its wing. They are usually colonial in their roost behaviour nesting in caves, crevices and sometimes roof ceilings of our open plan houses on the island.

Visitors to Bedarra develop an instant interest in the bird life they suddenly find around them, because of the many unusual varieties, colours and calls of these feathered inhabitants.
The most easily seen in the rainforests are the large mound builders - orange footed scrubfowl and black Australian brush turkeys.

During the months of June and July you will see many butterflies flitting gaily through the rainforest, including the spectacular Ulysses with its vibrant blue colour.

Yellow-Bellied Sunbird

Nectarinia Jugularis

Sunbirds are tiny jewels of the Old World Tropics. They are small songbirds which feed largely on nectar, although they will also take insects, especially when feeding young. We have only one sunbird in Australia and wherever you find them, they will brighten up your day.

Found on rainforest edges, mangroves and gardens. Often the birds build nests around human habitation, such as the outside of porches.

The Sunbird builds a pendulous nest at the end of a branch or vine, often with the entrance facing inwards. Sometimes a nest is attached to a piece of string or cord, hanging from a veranda. The nests are usually low to the ground.


By day, geckos hide in sheltered dark retreats. Some thrive in human dwellings, where there are lights to attract insects, picture frames and furniture to hide behind and flat wall surfaces to patrol, to the extent some have become familiar members of our households. I think our common species here is called the “Asian House Gecko”

They are nocturnal lizards with fingers and toes that are flattened to form pads which enable them to move easily over smooth vertical surfaces, and upside down across ceilings. They are chameleons with fragile tails that can be easily broken and replaced. They are unusual because they have a voice in the form of a squeak or bark.